What’s in my Diaper Bag

My house may be a complete mess but at least my handbag looks like this! This blog post is brought to you by ToteSavvy. For an exceptionally organized person like me, I couldn’t have asked for a better handbag organizer than this!

It is no fun when you forget that one thing that baby really needs, so it is very important what you put in your diaper bag. What’s better than a bag insert which has pockets for everything you can ever carry in a diaper bag. Meet Totesavvy!

Totesavvy inserts can turn your regular handbag into an efficient #momboss tote. It keeps you organized and stylish at the same time. The best feature is its compact design. I love the fact that is quite fashionable and efficient. I frequently switch handbags to be able to match my look. For me it is the best of both worlds – it provides me enough space to keep the baby stuff and my tech gadgets or other essentials all in the same bag but separate pockets. There is a pocket for literally everything for an quick and easy grab when you need something. Our daily adventures are pretty manageable and I don’t have to give up on style for function!
I’ve listed all the items that are always in my diaper bag. Keep in mind that Kiaan is 4 months old and this list may be a bit different for moms with babies eating solid foods. So here’s what’s inside!
Pack it for BABY
Changing Mat: When you are out of the house, you really don’t want your baby to catch germs. Wherever you are changing your baby’s diaper, always use a changing mat! With ToteSavvy you get a free changing pad attached to the insert.
Diapers & Wipes: This is a no brainer and I keep about 5 diapers on hand. I carry baby wipes in a portable wipes dispenser and I find them very convenient on travel
Disposable diaper bags: When you change your baby’s stinky diaper, you don’t want to throw it directly in the bin. Diaper bags totally wipe away the smell.
Pacifiers & Bottle: My little one hardly takes pacifiers but I am always armed and ready just in case 🙂 Bottle is necessary for formula preparation or feeding pumped breast milk. 
Burpy Bibs: Aden & Anais burby bibs comes in very handy during feeding and burping. Solves two purposes and you don’t have to carry two things.
Teething toys: Something to chew on!
Travel size diaper rash ointment, gripe water, saline drops: In case of emergency
Extra outfit for if Kiaan has a spit-up or a blowout
Zip lock bags: I carry large size one’s to carry wet/dirty clothes after some kind of accident
Formula: for milk preparation
Toys: Any rattles or toys to keep your baby entertained
Pack it for MAMA
Yes it’s called a diaper bag but you wouldn’t want to miss on some essentials for yourself cuz mommy stuff is as important. 
Mommy Items: Hand Sanitizer 
Nursing cover (I love those 4 in 1 one’s)
Nipple cream & nursing pads
Mama’s I would love to know how our diaper bag lists differ. So leave me your comments and let’s use some tips from each other. As far as my list is concerned, I did call my sister-in-law to make sure I don’t miss anything in my diaper bag. So happy to be a younger sibling. Haha!

Shop #MomBoss Tote Essentials here

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